
Who is this for?
The videos and accompanying materials available on this site are designed for people with intellectual or developmental disabilities (also called neurocognitive disorders). These resources are created to be understood by someone with an IQ between 50 and 70, but they are helpful to anyone needing to know more about addiction and recovery.
To bring these themes to life, a series of short videos chart the experiences of two likable characters with differing disabilities, Eddie and Tasha. While their stories are animated, their struggles with addiction are very real. Anyone with these issues will be able to identify with the highs and lows of Eddie and Tasha, as well as their journey to recovery and wellness with the loving support of friends, family and mental health/health care professionals.
This website provides what you need to screen the person you’re trying to help and guide them through the curriculum. You should only walk someone through “Understanding Addition and Developmental Disabilities” if you are that person’s mental health clinician, caregiver, guardian or parent and they have given their permission.
Welcome to Mental Health Professionals
Welcome to families and caregivers
Para acceder a este plan de estudios en español, ingresa aquí.
What if I need assistance?
The best way to learn how to use “Understanding Addition and Developmental Disabilities” is to get started! Reach out to us if you have questions or issues navigating this website.